Top Turn-ons For Men

#1 A Great Shape
She doesn't have to have an hourglass shape or
be thin as a rail, either. As long as she's got a
beautiful shape, that's going to be a turn.

#2 Sense of Humor
Unfortunately, not everyone was blessed with a
great sense of humor, especially one that can
keep up with his. When he finds a girl that can
make him laugh, he'll never want to let go.

#3 She Doesn't Try Too Hard
Desperation will only send him running in the other
direction. Remember to just be yourself and you
won't even have to try.

#4 Her Own Style
A woman doesn't have to follow every fashion
trend obsessively (in fact, that may end up being
a turn off to some guys) but it is sexy when she
knows what she likes and what makes her look
and feel good.

#5 Gorgeous Lips
soft and healthy-looking lips. He did love it.

#6 Leave Some to the Imagination
Of course guys love seeing some skin but leaving
some mystery is even more fun. When a woman
knows how to dress in a provocative way without
looking trashy or desperate, it's definitely a turn

#7 Wearing His Clothing
The first time he sees her walking around in his
favorite sweater, it's probably not going to stay
on her for very long...

#8 She's Happy Being Herself
It doesn't matter if you've got a body like a
model and a face like a movie star, if you're not
happy in your own skin with all of the little things
that make you who you are, it's a major turn off.

#9 She Knows What She's Got

Remember that above anything, confidence is key!
If you rock what you've got and are proud of it,
you will be irresistible.

#10 Independence.
Asking for money all the time is a huge turn off. Guys should show gifts/outing affections for the independent ones.


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