Things Guys Would Always Lie About

#1 "Strippers don't do anything for me" Yes they do. They take their clothes off without expecting anything in return. They appeal to a man's most primal instincts, and guys respond accordingly. Even if they swear they dont.

2 "Of course you don’t look fat in that"
You walked into this one ladies! All men know that when you ask whether an outfit makes you look fat, they must say no. Even if you do. If you really want the answer, find a straight-shooting girlfriend.

#3 "Of course I don’t visit those websites"
All men visit adult websites from time to time. The lure of all that racy material available at all hours is just too tempting. If he tells you any differently, he's lying. Things Guys ALWAYS Lie About

#4 "I am integral member of my company"
Men don't generally lie about what they do for a living, but they often stretch the truth. They're likely to overstate their importance to the company, and claim to do more than they actually do. If you're still in the dating phase, expect a few more white lies.

#5 "I love you too"
Not suggesting every man who declares his feeling is putting it on. However, every bloke who says those three little words isn't sincere either. Sometimes saying that you love someone is simply the best way to avoid an argument and keep the peace. Or they simply want to sleep with you.
#6 "I swear that’s the number of people I've been with"
Ladies, if you ask your man how many partners he's had, prepare to hear a lie. There is no right answer.

#7 Of course I don't think of Pam like that"
If you think your female friends are attractive,
than you can bet your bottom dollar that he
does to. He'll deny it of course. He might even
insist that her nose is too big or her hair too red.
But we all know the truth!

#8 "I have so many interests"
No man wants to admit that his interests don't
extend beyond watching television and reheating
frozen meals. So many lads learn to feign an
interest in anything and everything. The history of
modern art, hosting dinner parties, hiking
mountains, and scientific discoveries; even if he
isn't up on them he'll do his best to fake .

#9.We'll talk about it later"
If he has his way, this conversation will never
happen. He certainly has no intention of reigniting
the debate. He just hopes to put you off long
enough for you to forget it ever happened.


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