How To Dress Stylish But Casual

Look beautiful,Fab and all sort of spicy with these Tips.

Steps,Tips and Warnings
Realize that leaving something to the imagination is an important part of dressing sexy. Don't go overboard with revealing yourself.

Don't try too hard. It needs to appear natural and yet still make it clear that you take time to care about your appearance.

Go through your closet and get rid of all the clothes you haven't worn in at least twelve months.
If you haven't worn it in a year, you probably don't need it and won't ever wear it.
Decide what clothes you like and stick with them.

Be confident and take pride in how you look. Confidence is key. Get into the crowd to be with someone you have to get in the game or you'll never get in.

Find clothes that flatter you. Stop trying to squeeze yourself into clothes that are too small – the end effect is that you look large. And avoid clothes that are oversized for you; they won't appear sexy.

Purchase stylish casual clothes. Style is more important than fashion fad. Buy fewer clothes that cost more so that they last well and always look great on you no matter how much the fads change.

Choose casual clothing that suggests sexiness. Styles include:
Tankini, bikini, and one-piece - all are sexy and casual but all must fit and not leave parts of you bulging out

T-shirts – always wear them pressed and clean. V or round necks are fine, avoid sheer t-shirts unless your lingerie is fantastic and it's not work

Jeans – jeans are always sexy as long as they fit well and are suited to your shape; take the time to find to best fit

Jackets – jackets with jeans and skirts are sexy provided they're fitting and single-breasted. Double breasted or high shouldered jackets are too overpowering; shorter jackets are great

A-line skirts are sexy and very forgiving

Dresses are sexy provided they're stylish and don't make you appear pregnant when you're not; check that they have patterns, fabrics and fitting that accent your best features

Shoes – there are sexy shoes from heels to flats but there are also many ugly shoes. Choose quality ones that flatter your feet.


Stylish clothes don't necessarily have to be expensive designer dresses or business suits. Some women always look effortlessly stylish, even for casual occasions. With these fashion tips, you can perfect the casual-chic look and look fabulous all the time.

Invest in the classics
Though it's a good idea to keep up on the latest fashion trends, you shouldn't blow your wardrobe budget on trendy clothes that are going to be out of style next week. Instead, invest in classic pieces that can form the foundation of your wardrobe. In addition to tanks and tees, casual staple pieces include two pairs of dark wash jeans (one to wear with flats, the other with heels), khaki flat front pants, a white button-down shirt, a black turtleneck, a cashmere cardigan, ballet flats, tall boots, a scarf, a statement necklace and a neutral mid-size handbag. Select pieces that are timeless and versatile.

Wear clothes that fit
Many people look sloppy or tacky because they don't wear clothes that fit. Contrary to what you might think, wearing oversized clothes won't make you look smaller. They'll actually make you look bigger than you are. No matter your size, wear clothes that fit properly -- skimming the body, not hanging too loose or binding too tight. Check out our style guide to find the perfect clothes for your body shape.

Establish your signature style
To make your look unforgettable, you need to develop your signature style. You can focus your look on a particular item (like Anna Wintour does with her sunglasses), a specific color, a hairstyle, a type of jewelry, etc. Whatever your focus, your signature style should reflect your personality. It shouldn't feel like you're wearing a costume or make you look out of your element. Your signature style should be uniquely you.

Don't over accessorize
Your style won't look effortless if you overdo it with accessories. With each outfit, pick one key accessory piece and keep the rest to a minimum. Don't overdo it with your makeup or hairstyle either. You want to look beautiful and natural, not ultra glam.

Don't be afraid of color
Sure, black flatters everyone, but wearing all black all the time won't make you look chic. In fact, it will just make you look gothic. Start embracing neutrals like camel and gray, both fabulous choices for fall. If you aren't used to wearing bright colors, ease yourself into it. As an alternative to wearing trendy turquoise jeans, pick up a glossy blue bag and add it to your neutral outfit instead


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