Much Ado About Crop Top
Crop top crop top..Every girl is going crazy about this belly stop cloth,every girl wants one and wants to look fabulous in one..Here are some tips ,no matter your size you can look fab in a crop top . And how to make one too. 1. Highwaist item. Either an highwaist jean,leggings,jeggings,skirt,short A crop top looks fab on all and this is an ideal pick for those who have fat around the mid section area ..An highwaist item holding your belly firm and a nice crop/short top with a tiny belt is a go for you to look fab and comfortable. Also a kick shoe would petfectly go with this. 2. Fleey skirt This is also in trend..most ladies wear it with a tocked in tight top,but a crop top on this would look amazing..But the ideal crop/short top for this is a long sleeve tight crop top With the skirt free, your crop top should be dont want to look repulsive. A low waist or highwaist fleey skirt is allowed. 3. Straight skirt. A Tubed V neck / strapped low neck/v neck crop top is...